Tag Archive | Michael Roulic

Conquering Your Fitness Orientated New Year’s Resolution

Each year you pick one day to tell yourself all the goals you want to accomplish over the next 365 days. Anyone else see anything wrong with this? Dedication to a goal isn’t made in one sitting. In order to accomplish your goal and achieve success you need to be dedicated and determined. You have to develop the desire to achieve the task and be willing to sacrifice to make gains. Once you have accomplished this, you will succeed as well as obliterate your goal.

Finding and Approaching Your Goal
Your goal should be developed over a few days or even weeks. It is important to make it realistic as well as approachable. Furthermore, make sure that it can be measured, allowing yourself to set intermediate goals. For example, if you plan on losing 20 pounds in a year, you will be able to measure this over time. However, if your resolution is to “eat more vegetables” or “consume less junk food” then you should consider a way to rephrase this in order to measure it appropriately.

Begin by writing down your weaknesses (nutrition and exercise) and any possible goals you may have. Then, plan out the amount time you have to work out each week. Based on this information you will be able to develop a realistic goal that suits your lifestyle.

Measuring Results
Setting a goal and becoming excited about a goal are two different scenarios. The easiest way to become excited about a goal is noticing results. It takes about 4 weeks for you to notice, 8 weeks for your friends to notice, and 12 weeks for everyone else to notice. Never get discouraged if results aren’t coming quick enough– Rome wasn’t built in a day. Fitness is one of the few categories that if you put the time in, you’re guaranteed results. Unlike studying for an exam, but then failing it or working hard for a promotion, and then not receiving it, if you put the time in to eat right and exercise, you will be satisfied with the outcome.

Staying Motivated
You can make excuses or make it happen. In order to stay motivated you must keep your heart on the ultimate goal while thinking of your intermediate goals as obstacles. Try finding a friend with the same goal as you. Helping each other stay motivated is beneficial as you both will want to see the same results. Make sure to tell all of your friends and family the goal that you have. Through doing this you will feel the sense of urgency to achieve it not only for yourself, but for them as well.

Eight percent of people achieve their resolution each year. Your New Year’s resolutions should be about quality of goals over the quantity of them. Be competitive with yourself and approach it with the same value as you would in work or school. Pain is nothing compared to what it feels like to quit. Pick times throughout the year to evaluate and maybe even readjust your goal (if you find that it is too easy or too unrealistic).

For some great ideas with nutrition and fitness, check out my other post, “Exploding Out of the Weight Loss Slump”. https://mroulic.wordpress.com/2013/09/24/exploding-out-of-the-weight-loss-slump/

Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. There will be more posts to come soon!

-Michael Roulic

5 Ways to Stay Healthy While on a Busy Schedule

We all have those times in the year when our schedule becomes crammed. Whether you are busy with work, school, or family activities, staying healthy can seem nearly impossible because you simply do not have the time. However, even if you are not able to go to the gym or maintain the healthiest diet in the world, there are still strategic methods in which you can live a healthy lifestyle while on a busy schedule.


  1. Plan Your Meals on the Weekends

Packing both a healthy lunch and snack can be time consuming, which makes it difficult to pack food during the week. However, by planning your meals in advance on the weekends, it will make it easier to stay healthy throughout the week. Sunday is the perfect time to shop and prepare these foods in advance to make the weekdays a lot easier and less stressful. Planning healthy meals are a great way to build great eating habits while also saving yourself time on the busy weekdays.

  1. Drink More Water

Your body is composed of 60% water. All sorts of body functions rely on water in order to complete the processes. Furthermore, water helps control calorie intake. Drinking more water throughout the day or right before a meal will take up more volume in your body, therefore filling you up and trimming the calorie intake. Make sure to always have a water bottle with you wherever you go. Remember, there are also foods that contain high amounts of water such as fruits, vegetables, soup, oatmeal, and beans.

  1. Prioritize/Plan Workouts

We have all had those days when we planned on going to the gym and it just never happened; maybe your schedule is  just too busy and it’s nearly impossible to find time. However, a sure way of finding yourself in the gym is to plan the days you want to go in advance. In the beginning of each week, pick days to exercise that work for you. Then make it a priority to go to the gym on those days at the given time.. Planning in advance not only drills it into your head that you will be exercising on certain days, but it also provides you with a more structured schedule during the week.

  1. Make Fruits and Vegetables the Pinnacle of your Diet

These low in calorie, high in nutrient foods provide many of the essentials you need to stay focused and awake during the day while also maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Eating both fruits and vegetables throughout the day will increase overall health while helping weight control.

  1. Keep Everything Simple

Nothing is more time confusing and stressful than a strict diet and workout routine. Whether you go to the gym for 30 minutes or an hour, you’re still getting exercise. One day you may eat extremely healthy, but the next night you may dine out. The easiest way to keep healthy is to keep your body satisfied. Stick to the healthy foods that you personally enjoy and do the workouts that provide you with the most enjoyment.


Any busy schedule is demanding, making it incredibly difficult to access heathy food on a daily basis while maintaining an exercise routine. However, keeping your body alert and healthy is important if you wish to complete all tasks throughout the day. These tips are a great start for anyone who is looking to promote good health, especially those who have limited time.

Thank you for reading and please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments you may have.

-Michael Roulic

Why You Can’t Skip Leg Day

Whether your goal is to cut body fat, gain lean muscle mass, or bulk up, legs are always the most essential body part to train. Bros will make fun of bros for skipping leg day. Girls can never seem to get the butt and thighs that they want. However, working out the leg muscles have a much deeper purpose in the overall quality of life and the way the body functions.

More Fat Loss

It’s a little known fact that the largest muscles burn the most calories. The glutes (also known as your butt) is the largest muscle in your body, accompanied by the quads and hamstrings which are also considerably large. The buildup of lactic acid in this muscle ultimately leads to a greater fat loss effect due to the burning of calories. As I have written in previous blogs, the more muscle you have, the more calories you expand and fat you lose. Working the legs will also help you get the abs you’re working for.

Increases Testosterone Levels

I know what the women are thinking…you don’t want gross, manly/muscly thighs. Well the truth is the increase in testosterone you will receive by training legs will help you create lean muscle mass and bone density. A decrease in testosterone levels in women will actually lead to weight gain as well as muscle loss.

More Strength

Stronger legs and core muscles only increases your strength and ability to do other exercises.

For example, the increase in leg muscle helps your leg drive while bench pressing. Even further, plenty of leg exercises work the core; which is a vital muscle in every lower body and upper body exercise in order to stabilize and balance the body.


This is the real reason why guys train legs. No one wants to be the guy who is “top heavy” or has “chicken legs.” Doing yourself a favor and training your legs will give your body that full and complete look.

Mental Strength

Leg training is physically AND mentally difficult. Since the largest muscles of the body makeup the legs, you will typically be lifting the heaviest weight with your legs compared to any other muscles. Furthermore, knowing that the next three days will consist of suffering from soreness is a challenge of its own. Considering these aspects, many choose not to do leg day, but those who can endure the physical pain get the results.


Leg day is no one’s favorite, but on the contrary it is the most satisfying workout because completing leg day feels like victory. Whether you are a guy or a girl, legs are important to train in order to increase overall body strength while maximizing calorie expenditure. Some of the best leg exercises include: squats, front squats, leg press, lunges, and jump squats (Cardio is NOT leg day). I suggest these exercises for both men and women. If you’re trying to gain more mass, try heavier weight with less reps. For a more toned look, try lighter weight for more reps.

As always, feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. Another post will be released soon!




Properly Tracking Weight Loss/Gains

Have a goal weight that you want to reach? Ever weighed yourself at one weight, and then one week later you gained five pounds? You might say to yourself “this can’t be right…” and you are right! Many factors come into place while weighing your body.

Water– The body is 60% water. Changes in hydration levels can change the number on the scale. While eating too much salt can increase dehydration causing the body to retain water, your weight might creep up. Women retain water during menstrual cycles (which is also why they feel bloated.)This can cause weight to fluctuate as well.

Food– To state the obvious, weighing yourself after a meal will increase the number on the scale. It doesn’t mean you gained weight, it only means you’ve added a substance to your body; a substance that will be eliminated in several hours.

Muscle– Muscle mass is extremely dense and doesn’t take up nearly as much space as fat. Therefore, adding muscle will increase the weight on the scale, even if you’re slimming down.

With this information you’ll begin to wonder when the best time is to weigh yourself. I believe that the best way to get an accurate measure on body weight is to weigh yourself in the morning before breakfast. However, with this comes consistency. Let’s say one night you eat at about 10pm then wake up at 8am and weigh yourself. The next week you eat at 7pm and then sleep later and weigh yourself at 9am. You could have not lost a single pound of weight, but because of the substances going in and out of your body at different times, your weight may vary.  On days that you choose to weigh yourself, make sure that your routine is consistent.

More accurate ways to measure progress:

  • Body Fat Percentage– Males tend to have about 4 percent of natural body fat while women tend to have around 10 percent. A healthy range for men is anywhere up to 25% and anywhere up to 31% for women. There are many different devices and methods including calipers, bioelectrical impedance scales, DEXA, online calculators, and more. Make sure that your method of choice is always the same in order to track progress. This way, even if there is error with the method you choose, the error is consistent on a weekly basis and your progress is accurate.
  • Training– Keep a workout or mileage log. If you do 100 pounds for 10 reps one week, try to either increase the weight or increase the amount of reps or sets the following week.
  • Take a picture– If there is anything that I regret about my training, it’s that I never tracked my progress through pictures. There would be nothing better than to look back at old pictures and see how far you’ve come. Take a body picture once every month. This will help you keep track of appearance, because after all, weight is just a number and appearance is everything! As with every other method, make sure to be consistent with the times of day you take a picture and what you did prior to it.

Tracking progress is fun and it keeps you pushing forward. It’s always important to have goals set in place. And remember, a goal without a timeline is just a wish. Push your body to be the way you want it to be.

If you have any questions or comments please let me know. I can be reached through social media as well.

Michael Roulic


The “Important” Reasons Why Vegetables are Necessary

          It’s simple: your body needs vegetables and all of the nutrients that they provide. Everyone knows this, but does everyone know the exact reasons why? Vegetables do reduce the risk for heart disease, certain cancers, as well as help regulate a healthy blood pressure, but what about for those who are already healthy? What about the young adults and kids who exercise every day and don’t have any health issues to worry about? If refraining from diseases doesn’t convince you to eat your vegetables, then maybe there are some reasons that will do the trick.

Weight Management – On average, a cup of vegetables is about 50 calories. This means it would take six cups of vegetables to be equivalent to eating one slice of cheese pizza. Eating six cups of anything would be extremely hard for anyone to do, which is why vegetables are the perfect food for anyone looking to stay thin or lose weight.

Increase in Energy Level- Vegetables are extremely rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C is vital in restoring health and maintaining the body. Without it, peoples’ energy levels would drop until their body begins to decay. There are vitamin supplements people can take, but vegetables contain thousands of phytochemicals and fiber that promote good health and cannot be replicated by a simple pill. Pills are good to fill in the nutrient gaps, but should not be taken in place of vegetables.

Fiber- Fiber helps move food through the digestive tract. Without the necessary amount of fiber, the body will develop irregularity and will become sluggish. Fiber cleanses the digestive tract and 20-35 grams should be consumed daily. However, the average American consumes only 10-15 grams. Since fiber is a source that only comes from plants, vegetables are extremely rich in this nutrient. Most powdered fiber supplements contain about 3 grams of fiber in its serving. This means you would need to be sprinkling fiber on your food all day long and this will get very expensive. Furthermore, with all supplements, there are always side effects. Eating vegetables or any other plant is the best way to get your nutritional need of fiber in a healthy way.

Other food groups are important such as meat and wheat. However, vegetables are one of the cleanest foods out there. Unprocessed and rich in nutrients; vegetables are essential for anyone looking to maintain an active lifestyle. Next time you’re feeling tired and sluggish, reach for some vegetables to revamp your energy.

Thank you for reading, and if you have any questions please feel free to comment or contact me.

-Michael Roulic


Simplifying Outdoor Workouts

Spring is here… and even better, the warm weather has finally come! I’m sure I’m not the only one looking to get in a good outdoor workout. If you’re choosing to stick to the gym instead of getting in exercise outside, this might sway your opinion:

  1. Running and biking outdoors is healthier for ankles and muscle growth (Especially through running incline/decline.)
  2. Psychology test subjects scored significantly higher on measures of vitality after working out outdoors compared to in a gym environment.
  3. Studies suggest outdoor workouts encourage more activity and people exercise longer.
  4. You can get a tan while feeling productive instead of lying by the pool!

Many people go on jogs to exercise outside. However, there are many exercises everyone is missing out on. To start, if you stick to running around the block or on the track, try to at least vary it. Running incline and decline on hills works on an entire new group of muscles. Even so, running shouldn’t be the only thing you are doing in your outdoor workout.

Great workouts include exercising activities such as swimming, biking, or playing any sports. However, if you’re looking for a great, set workout routine, here are some ideas:

  1. Change your running workout into a circuit workout by running a set time, then doing an exercise. For example, run two minutes then do an ab exercise or pushups. Great fill-in exercises include: lunges, jump squats, variety of pushups, planks, ab exercises
  2. Jumping rope, kettlebells (weights), and more indoor exercises can be done just the same outside.
  3. Sprint circuits: sprint, then jog. Changing paces will keep the body guessing, while promoting muscle growth and boosting the metabolic rate.

Preferably, outdoor circuit routines are my favorite, because they can work all muscle groups while working the cardiovascular system. It is very important for everyone to find their own niche while working out. Some people prefer running, while some prefer biking, and others lifting weights. Stick to what you like best, and you’re guaranteed to succeed and find results you like. Plus try to find a way to incorporate the exercises you like into an outdoor workout. The new atmosphere can really help boost your performance, and getting fresh air can be really relieving.

For those interested in seeing what an outdoor circuit routine would look like, here is an example:

Warmup with a light job then dynamic stretching (https://mroulic.wordpress.com/2013/12/30/why-stretching-is-important-to-anyone/)

10 burpess

20 yard sprint

20 pushups

20 yard sprint

10 v-ups

20 yard sprint

10 lunges

20 yard sprint

1 lap (400 meter) jog

Repeat 3 times


Thank you for reading and if you have any questions or comments, please contact me.


-Michael Roulic

Working Out: How Much is too Much?

How can anyone honestly tell me that they spent two hours at the gym? Sure there are lots of exercises to choose from, but who would be able to physically give their all to each one? More importantly, what person has two hours of free time a day to be working out?

Those who begin to work out believe they need to do two hours a day to get the body they want. Those who don’t exercise believe it’s too much of a time commitment, therefore they refrain from exercising. However, both assumptions are false, and there is a thing as too much exercising. Working out too much can prevent your body from repairing already-torn muscle. This is why the right diet and the correct amount of time spent exercising are vital for anyone looking to transform their body.

First of all, you must recognize the difference between cardio and weight lifting. For the most part cardio does not tear muscle, especially if it’s endurance training. Therefore cardio could be done on “days off” from lifting. This endurance training is a good calorie burner, but still not as effective as lifting weights. If you plan to perform cardio on your days off of lifting, do not try to make a work out of it. Simply do the cardio to burn calories and stay active.

Secondly, those in the gym for too long usually end up working out every muscle in their body. This should never be the case for anyone. Stick to a certain muscle group and train it for 45 minutes. Include a warm-up before and stretching after.

Helpful Tips to Exercise the Right Amount

Every work out should be done with a purpose. Whether it is to lose calories or gain muscle, there should be a specific goal in mind while going to the gym. If you show up at the gym and don’t attempt to lift an extra rep or run for an extra minute, then your body will plateau and you won’t see extra results in your performance and/or physique.

Keep a routine that MAKES SENSE. Do not include squats and bicep curls in the same day… Create one or two lower body day routines, then one or two upper body routines. Never perform two upper or lower body routines in a row. Give at least 48 hours for the muscles to repair themselves.

DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT perform abdominal exercises every time you go to the gym for a straight hour. People make the misconception thinking doing sit-ups will burn belly fat… Well it doesn’t. A 30-minute ab workout should be done at most two times a week.

Thank you for reading and feel free to comment or contact me with any questions or suggestions.

-Michael Roulic

Why Stretching is Important to Anyone

Whether you’re an athlete, beginner, or moderate exerciser, stretching is equally important to everyone. The popular belief is that stretching only makes someone more flexible, but in fact, it is a muscle builder of its own. Furthermore, stretching decreases muscle soreness by increasing blood and nutrient supply to the muscles. And of course, stretching also increases flexibility. This impacts the range of motion the body is capable of, directly affecting one’s durability and making them less likely to get hurt. Ultimately, stretching:

  • Reduces muscle soreness
  • Decreases injury risk
  • Improves flexibility
  • Builds muscle

There are two types of stretching: dynamic and static. Static stretching, which is the most common form for most people, is hold-still stretches which focuses on tightening specific muscle groups. Dynamic stretching is more active which allows the muscles to extend in a range of motion (high knees, butt kicks, lunges). The timing of stretching is key for anyone looking to improve their health

A workout routine should look like this:

  • Cardio/Warmup (3-5 minutes)
  • Dynamic Stretching (3 minutes)
  • Lifting/Exercises
  • Static Stretching (up to 15 minutes)

Notice how static stretching isn’t included before the workout. Static stretching could be done, but they should only be held for three to five seconds. After the workout, static stretches should be held between 20-30 seconds.

Cardio prior the workout does not have to take long. In fact, 3-5 minutes of jogging or using the elliptical is efficient in getting the blood flowing. While performing dynamic stretches, make sure to target the areas that you plan to exercise next. For example, if you are working your upper body, then try doing arm circles or any other form of arm movement. If working out your lower body, then high knees, butt kicks, and body squats would be ideal.

Stretching is the most overlooked aspect of any workout routine. Whether you work out after or not, stretching has been proven to positively affect anyone. The small amount of time stretching requires provides a large marginal benefit.

Thank you for reading and feel free to comment or contact me with any questions or requests for future articles.

-Michael Roulic

Losing Weight/Maintaining Weight Lost

The two common problems people have with losing weight:

  • Getting the dial spinning to actually start shredding pounds
  • Maintaining the weight lost

Everyone looks for the answer to these issues and believes that there is some magical diet that will do the trick for their body. These fad diets include the Atkins Diet, South Beach Diet, and many more health crazes. Although it is not the actual special diet that helps one lose the weight, there are benefits to any fad diet.  These include:

  • Becoming more conscience of what you eat
  • The snack choice is limited
  • Psychological thought of giving up “fattening” lifestyle

Fad diets do not actually contain any special secrets to losing weight that everyone else hasn’t already discovered. It works because people make a goal to lose weight and feel committed.

Lose Weight Fast

As mentioned in previous sections, losing one pound requires you to cut back 3500 calories. In order to lose weight quickly, it is important to time the calorie intake daily. Here are the necessary times to be consuming food:

  • Breakfast (within an hour of waking up)
  • Hour or two before working out
  • Within two hours after a workout

Carbohydrates should be eaten around these meals, and avoided at all costs to be eating them at any other time (for weight loss). Protein and fat should be eaten at these times as well and sparingly throughout the day. For very fast weight loss, one might consider skipping dinner because it is actually the least important meal of the day (assuming you already ate after your workout). Calories consumed later in the day would not be wise for someone looking for rapid weight loss.

Vegetables should be the primary part of anyone’s diet in order to lose weight. These low calorie foods are essential to regulating the body and clearing the system. If you want to lose weight fast, stick to a diet of vegetables, and this alone will easily cut out the 500 calories a day you need in order to lose 1 pound of weight each week.

Why People Can’t Maintain Weight Lost

  • Lack of exercise

-Studies show that those who have lost 20 pounds and maintained it for more than six months dedicate an hour or more to exercising each day.

-60 minutes of moderate/intense exercise burns 500-750 calories

-The metabolism increases for the next 2-24 hours

-The more muscle mass, the more calories burned on expansive muscle tissue

  • Can’t maintain diet

If you lost a lot of weight dieting and then you stopped and gained it all back, don’t feel bad. This happens to every single person because maintaining a strict diet is hard. The weight gained back is due to the increase in sodium. Cutting out carbohydrates and starches will restrict the sodium intake into the body. Sodium retains water, so when people stop consuming sodium they lose a lot of water weight. This can be confused with fat which is why people believe that they lose weight at an accelerating rate when first beginning these “fad” diets when in reality it is just the water weight they are losing.


Maintaining Weight Lost

It is easier said than done, but it can be done. If you are looking to lose weight really quick, then go for the no carb and high vegetable diet. This might be good for a vacation, prom, or wedding day, but those looking to maintain their weight loss, exercise. Doing cardio and lifting weights can go a long way! Eating lots of vegetables with only the necessary amount of carbs as I mentioned earlier is also very important.

Thank you for reading, and I will be happy to answer any questions. Let me know if you want to learn about any topics for future posts!

Exploding Out of the Weight Loss Slump

Everyone will hit a point in their training when they stop seeing results. This period of time is called a “plateau.” Plateaus can occur for muscle gains and mass gains, but a majority of the people are concerned with weight loss plateaus. Many are left pondering why they stopped seeing the drop in weight they have been accustomed to, while others are wondering why they can’t seem to get the dial spinning on their weight loss. Well, there is a reason, and no, it is not your genetics!

Reason #1: Your body is accustomed to the exercises it has been performing. Running for 40 minutes is great exercise, and you will lose weight doing this. However, the body will adapt to it and your weight loss path will end shortly. Think of it this way: If you teach a five-year old multiplication they would be considered very smart and it is healthy for the kid to know this skill. However, if this is all the kid is being taught and they don’t know how to divide, use fractions, or learn decimal points; then their multiplication skill decreases in its value. Relating this to health: By constantly performing the same exercises every single workout, you will get used to it and won’t receive the results you expected.

Reason #2: You wake up in the morning: Eat a bowl of cereal and grab your coffee; later for a snack have a granola bar; then lunch comes and you have your chicken salad; then for dinner that night you decide to have pasta and maybe something small for desert. This doesn’t appear to be that unhealthy and typically an average person would eat this. So what is wrong with this scenario? It is repetitive!!! Eating the same foods every day is exactly like performing the same workouts all the time. Eating healthy is great, but when it is the same routine over and over again, you’re not helping your cause.

Reason #3: Going to the gym 3 times a day will not help. Overworking the body will only cause it to start depleting muscle and wear out from exhaustion. Recovering from workouts is always a key stage in the muscle and weight loss development process.

How to Conquer this Weight Loss Slump!

Tip#1: Constantly change up the workout routine. If you have been only doing cardio, then add weights. If you have only been doing weights, then add cardio. Maybe you have been going on 40 minute runs at a good pace. Well try running for 30 minutes at a faster pace or 50 minutes at a slower pace. If you have been stuck on the elliptical for quite some time then try switching to the bicycle or vice versa. For people big on weight training, try to increase reps and lower weight or decrease reps and increase weight.

Changing the routine is also a very key factor. Don’t do the same workout every day 3 times a week. Come up with a 3 or 4 day plan and complete this each week for maybe 4-6 weeks then switch up the routine again.

Tip #2: Eat a variety of healthy foods. Incorporate many kinds of meats, whole grains, vegetables, and dairy products in your everyday diet. Although, it can always be hard to make these kinds of purchases and find time to cook this food, eating a variety can make a big difference. Try grilling your meats and preparing the vegetables on the weekend to have them ready for during the week.

Tip #3: Keep track of your activity. I’m not saying to count calories or keep a workout log, but if you aware of what your body is consuming and the energy being produced, then you might be a little more self-conscious about getting another helping of ice cream or skipping the gym. Try writing down what foods you eat and how long you exercise for. An example would be if for dinner you eat pasta and vegetables, then write down one helping of pasta and vegetables. You might be able to catch unhealthy habits you didn’t notice before.

Tip #4: Take time off. If you’re struggling to get the results you want, then take a week or two off to recover and rest up. This will help you become more energized and motivated to get back at it.

Everyone has a certain niche when talking about exercise and health. Some people love to run and that’s the only way they exercise while others will only have a bowl of cereal for breakfast and nothing else. Healthy habits are good to build, but changing up your daily routine will not only help your physical attributes, but it will keep you mentally energized as well.

There is nothing better than seeing results. Try not to get caught up in the number of pounds, and try caring of appearance only. Yes, the pounds are a great and easy way to track results, but remember that muscle weighs more than fat! You may not be losing weight, but you could be burning fat and you just don’t realize it. Pick a goal, tell people about it, and then accomplish it.

Thank you for reading and make sure to check the “About the Author” page for contact information. Please contact me with any advice on future articles as well as questions on prior ones!

-Michael Roulic