Tag Archive | slump

Exploding Out of the Weight Loss Slump

Everyone will hit a point in their training when they stop seeing results. This period of time is called a “plateau.” Plateaus can occur for muscle gains and mass gains, but a majority of the people are concerned with weight loss plateaus. Many are left pondering why they stopped seeing the drop in weight they have been accustomed to, while others are wondering why they can’t seem to get the dial spinning on their weight loss. Well, there is a reason, and no, it is not your genetics!

Reason #1: Your body is accustomed to the exercises it has been performing. Running for 40 minutes is great exercise, and you will lose weight doing this. However, the body will adapt to it and your weight loss path will end shortly. Think of it this way: If you teach a five-year old multiplication they would be considered very smart and it is healthy for the kid to know this skill. However, if this is all the kid is being taught and they don’t know how to divide, use fractions, or learn decimal points; then their multiplication skill decreases in its value. Relating this to health: By constantly performing the same exercises every single workout, you will get used to it and won’t receive the results you expected.

Reason #2: You wake up in the morning: Eat a bowl of cereal and grab your coffee; later for a snack have a granola bar; then lunch comes and you have your chicken salad; then for dinner that night you decide to have pasta and maybe something small for desert. This doesn’t appear to be that unhealthy and typically an average person would eat this. So what is wrong with this scenario? It is repetitive!!! Eating the same foods every day is exactly like performing the same workouts all the time. Eating healthy is great, but when it is the same routine over and over again, you’re not helping your cause.

Reason #3: Going to the gym 3 times a day will not help. Overworking the body will only cause it to start depleting muscle and wear out from exhaustion. Recovering from workouts is always a key stage in the muscle and weight loss development process.

How to Conquer this Weight Loss Slump!

Tip#1: Constantly change up the workout routine. If you have been only doing cardio, then add weights. If you have only been doing weights, then add cardio. Maybe you have been going on 40 minute runs at a good pace. Well try running for 30 minutes at a faster pace or 50 minutes at a slower pace. If you have been stuck on the elliptical for quite some time then try switching to the bicycle or vice versa. For people big on weight training, try to increase reps and lower weight or decrease reps and increase weight.

Changing the routine is also a very key factor. Don’t do the same workout every day 3 times a week. Come up with a 3 or 4 day plan and complete this each week for maybe 4-6 weeks then switch up the routine again.

Tip #2: Eat a variety of healthy foods. Incorporate many kinds of meats, whole grains, vegetables, and dairy products in your everyday diet. Although, it can always be hard to make these kinds of purchases and find time to cook this food, eating a variety can make a big difference. Try grilling your meats and preparing the vegetables on the weekend to have them ready for during the week.

Tip #3: Keep track of your activity. I’m not saying to count calories or keep a workout log, but if you aware of what your body is consuming and the energy being produced, then you might be a little more self-conscious about getting another helping of ice cream or skipping the gym. Try writing down what foods you eat and how long you exercise for. An example would be if for dinner you eat pasta and vegetables, then write down one helping of pasta and vegetables. You might be able to catch unhealthy habits you didn’t notice before.

Tip #4: Take time off. If you’re struggling to get the results you want, then take a week or two off to recover and rest up. This will help you become more energized and motivated to get back at it.

Everyone has a certain niche when talking about exercise and health. Some people love to run and that’s the only way they exercise while others will only have a bowl of cereal for breakfast and nothing else. Healthy habits are good to build, but changing up your daily routine will not only help your physical attributes, but it will keep you mentally energized as well.

There is nothing better than seeing results. Try not to get caught up in the number of pounds, and try caring of appearance only. Yes, the pounds are a great and easy way to track results, but remember that muscle weighs more than fat! You may not be losing weight, but you could be burning fat and you just don’t realize it. Pick a goal, tell people about it, and then accomplish it.

Thank you for reading and make sure to check the “About the Author” page for contact information. Please contact me with any advice on future articles as well as questions on prior ones!

-Michael Roulic