Tag Archive | Weight loss

Conquering Your Fitness Orientated New Year’s Resolution

Each year you pick one day to tell yourself all the goals you want to accomplish over the next 365 days. Anyone else see anything wrong with this? Dedication to a goal isn’t made in one sitting. In order to accomplish your goal and achieve success you need to be dedicated and determined. You have to develop the desire to achieve the task and be willing to sacrifice to make gains. Once you have accomplished this, you will succeed as well as obliterate your goal.

Finding and Approaching Your Goal
Your goal should be developed over a few days or even weeks. It is important to make it realistic as well as approachable. Furthermore, make sure that it can be measured, allowing yourself to set intermediate goals. For example, if you plan on losing 20 pounds in a year, you will be able to measure this over time. However, if your resolution is to “eat more vegetables” or “consume less junk food” then you should consider a way to rephrase this in order to measure it appropriately.

Begin by writing down your weaknesses (nutrition and exercise) and any possible goals you may have. Then, plan out the amount time you have to work out each week. Based on this information you will be able to develop a realistic goal that suits your lifestyle.

Measuring Results
Setting a goal and becoming excited about a goal are two different scenarios. The easiest way to become excited about a goal is noticing results. It takes about 4 weeks for you to notice, 8 weeks for your friends to notice, and 12 weeks for everyone else to notice. Never get discouraged if results aren’t coming quick enough– Rome wasn’t built in a day. Fitness is one of the few categories that if you put the time in, you’re guaranteed results. Unlike studying for an exam, but then failing it or working hard for a promotion, and then not receiving it, if you put the time in to eat right and exercise, you will be satisfied with the outcome.

Staying Motivated
You can make excuses or make it happen. In order to stay motivated you must keep your heart on the ultimate goal while thinking of your intermediate goals as obstacles. Try finding a friend with the same goal as you. Helping each other stay motivated is beneficial as you both will want to see the same results. Make sure to tell all of your friends and family the goal that you have. Through doing this you will feel the sense of urgency to achieve it not only for yourself, but for them as well.

Eight percent of people achieve their resolution each year. Your New Year’s resolutions should be about quality of goals over the quantity of them. Be competitive with yourself and approach it with the same value as you would in work or school. Pain is nothing compared to what it feels like to quit. Pick times throughout the year to evaluate and maybe even readjust your goal (if you find that it is too easy or too unrealistic).

For some great ideas with nutrition and fitness, check out my other post, “Exploding Out of the Weight Loss Slump”. https://mroulic.wordpress.com/2013/09/24/exploding-out-of-the-weight-loss-slump/

Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. There will be more posts to come soon!

-Michael Roulic

Properly Tracking Weight Loss/Gains

Have a goal weight that you want to reach? Ever weighed yourself at one weight, and then one week later you gained five pounds? You might say to yourself “this can’t be right…” and you are right! Many factors come into place while weighing your body.

Water– The body is 60% water. Changes in hydration levels can change the number on the scale. While eating too much salt can increase dehydration causing the body to retain water, your weight might creep up. Women retain water during menstrual cycles (which is also why they feel bloated.)This can cause weight to fluctuate as well.

Food– To state the obvious, weighing yourself after a meal will increase the number on the scale. It doesn’t mean you gained weight, it only means you’ve added a substance to your body; a substance that will be eliminated in several hours.

Muscle– Muscle mass is extremely dense and doesn’t take up nearly as much space as fat. Therefore, adding muscle will increase the weight on the scale, even if you’re slimming down.

With this information you’ll begin to wonder when the best time is to weigh yourself. I believe that the best way to get an accurate measure on body weight is to weigh yourself in the morning before breakfast. However, with this comes consistency. Let’s say one night you eat at about 10pm then wake up at 8am and weigh yourself. The next week you eat at 7pm and then sleep later and weigh yourself at 9am. You could have not lost a single pound of weight, but because of the substances going in and out of your body at different times, your weight may vary.  On days that you choose to weigh yourself, make sure that your routine is consistent.

More accurate ways to measure progress:

  • Body Fat Percentage– Males tend to have about 4 percent of natural body fat while women tend to have around 10 percent. A healthy range for men is anywhere up to 25% and anywhere up to 31% for women. There are many different devices and methods including calipers, bioelectrical impedance scales, DEXA, online calculators, and more. Make sure that your method of choice is always the same in order to track progress. This way, even if there is error with the method you choose, the error is consistent on a weekly basis and your progress is accurate.
  • Training– Keep a workout or mileage log. If you do 100 pounds for 10 reps one week, try to either increase the weight or increase the amount of reps or sets the following week.
  • Take a picture– If there is anything that I regret about my training, it’s that I never tracked my progress through pictures. There would be nothing better than to look back at old pictures and see how far you’ve come. Take a body picture once every month. This will help you keep track of appearance, because after all, weight is just a number and appearance is everything! As with every other method, make sure to be consistent with the times of day you take a picture and what you did prior to it.

Tracking progress is fun and it keeps you pushing forward. It’s always important to have goals set in place. And remember, a goal without a timeline is just a wish. Push your body to be the way you want it to be.

If you have any questions or comments please let me know. I can be reached through social media as well.

Michael Roulic


Target Area Weight Loss: Is it Possible?

Beer belly, jumbo thighs, and a big butt are physical problems people possess. How do you fix these issues? Will working the abs get rid of your belly fat? Will completing leg and butt exercises slim that area down? There is a simple answer: no. Working certain areas will build muscle in that section, but if there is still fat there then the muscle won’t show. However, just wait, because the way you thought was best to lose body fat might not be the way I am about to explain. Learn how to work for the body you want.

Calories (unit of energy) are a key component of losing weight. Consuming the energy and releasing it is the essence of weight gain/loss. The average body burns 1400 calories a day (1000-1800 calories) just by functioning. Adding in physical activity and other tasks would probably put the body at burning 2000 calories a day. As I state in a prior blog post, a pound weighs 3500 calories. Now the way you want to go about losing this weight is up to you. You can either simply start cutting back on calories until you become slim, or you can go the quicker route of exercising while becoming toned.

Burning the Fat

What is the best way to go about burning fat? Answer: Building Muscle. The more muscle you have the more calories you burn, even when you’re not doing anything. This is because the metabolic rate is higher. Cardio is great for burning calories but it isn’t necessarily the best for building muscle, and in many cases weight lifting will actually burn more calories than cardio! This doesn’t mean just stick to weight lifting, but an equal balance would be best suited for those looking to lose fat.

Cardio doesn’t mean going for a jog or a pleasant bike ride. Focus on the intensity of the workout rather than how long you are doing them.  There is not one perfect routine or one exercise that will miraculously get you a six pack or the toned body you want in just four weeks like the gimmicks will tell you.  Make sure to exercise a healthy amount and do not overdue it! After working a specific muscle, always allow at least two full days of rest before training that area again. Those looking to be constantly working out should switch days up between weight lifting and cardio in order to maximize calories burned while still getting the rest needed.

Targeting an Area

Okay so now how do you get that six pack, toned butt, or ripped body that you wanted?  Continue to work out all the other muscles in order to build up the metabolic rate. However, when the day comes for you to work out your abs for example, don’t spend extra time on them, but rather focus on them more. Many people will believe a good 40 minute ab workout will help them. If you’re doing a 40 minute ab workout, I don’t know how you’re able to keep up the intensity. A solid 20, absolutely no more than  30 minute ab workout will get you the results you want. Same goes for all muscle groups. In order to pick up the intensity of the workout always strive to do better than you did your last workout. Constantly have the urge to push yourself and think “one more rep!”

A rookie mistake would be to workout this targeted area three times or more a week. The body DOES NOT build muscle while you are exercising. In fact the body is tearing away at the muscle. The muscle building starts in the recovery process which is why it is important to eat healthy and supply yourself with the nutrients your body needs. My “Discovering the Perfect Diet” (https://mroulic.wordpress.com/2013/09/10/discovering-the-perfect-diet/) article is a great reference for what foods you should be eating. Remember that resting and nutrition are key.

It is Possible

Working out an area will not make you lose weight in that area, but it is possible to lose the fat desired throughout the body and get the toned area of muscle you want. There are many ways to achieve it, but there is only one goal. The quickest way to achieve this goal is develop a balance of cardio and weight lifting, increase the intensity level of cardio exercises, and attack the area you desire to build upon on days you should.

A goal without pain is just a wish. Decide how you want your body to change and then do it. There are many people out there working at the same goal and there are many people that try and don’t believe it’s possible. Be better than them and achieve it. You’ll feel great, you’ll look great, and you’ll be a new and more confident person.

I appreciate all the recommendations for topics to write on and please, keep them coming! If you have any questions or comments make sure to check out the “About the Author” page for information on how to contact me.

-Michael Roulic

Exploding Out of the Weight Loss Slump

Everyone will hit a point in their training when they stop seeing results. This period of time is called a “plateau.” Plateaus can occur for muscle gains and mass gains, but a majority of the people are concerned with weight loss plateaus. Many are left pondering why they stopped seeing the drop in weight they have been accustomed to, while others are wondering why they can’t seem to get the dial spinning on their weight loss. Well, there is a reason, and no, it is not your genetics!

Reason #1: Your body is accustomed to the exercises it has been performing. Running for 40 minutes is great exercise, and you will lose weight doing this. However, the body will adapt to it and your weight loss path will end shortly. Think of it this way: If you teach a five-year old multiplication they would be considered very smart and it is healthy for the kid to know this skill. However, if this is all the kid is being taught and they don’t know how to divide, use fractions, or learn decimal points; then their multiplication skill decreases in its value. Relating this to health: By constantly performing the same exercises every single workout, you will get used to it and won’t receive the results you expected.

Reason #2: You wake up in the morning: Eat a bowl of cereal and grab your coffee; later for a snack have a granola bar; then lunch comes and you have your chicken salad; then for dinner that night you decide to have pasta and maybe something small for desert. This doesn’t appear to be that unhealthy and typically an average person would eat this. So what is wrong with this scenario? It is repetitive!!! Eating the same foods every day is exactly like performing the same workouts all the time. Eating healthy is great, but when it is the same routine over and over again, you’re not helping your cause.

Reason #3: Going to the gym 3 times a day will not help. Overworking the body will only cause it to start depleting muscle and wear out from exhaustion. Recovering from workouts is always a key stage in the muscle and weight loss development process.

How to Conquer this Weight Loss Slump!

Tip#1: Constantly change up the workout routine. If you have been only doing cardio, then add weights. If you have only been doing weights, then add cardio. Maybe you have been going on 40 minute runs at a good pace. Well try running for 30 minutes at a faster pace or 50 minutes at a slower pace. If you have been stuck on the elliptical for quite some time then try switching to the bicycle or vice versa. For people big on weight training, try to increase reps and lower weight or decrease reps and increase weight.

Changing the routine is also a very key factor. Don’t do the same workout every day 3 times a week. Come up with a 3 or 4 day plan and complete this each week for maybe 4-6 weeks then switch up the routine again.

Tip #2: Eat a variety of healthy foods. Incorporate many kinds of meats, whole grains, vegetables, and dairy products in your everyday diet. Although, it can always be hard to make these kinds of purchases and find time to cook this food, eating a variety can make a big difference. Try grilling your meats and preparing the vegetables on the weekend to have them ready for during the week.

Tip #3: Keep track of your activity. I’m not saying to count calories or keep a workout log, but if you aware of what your body is consuming and the energy being produced, then you might be a little more self-conscious about getting another helping of ice cream or skipping the gym. Try writing down what foods you eat and how long you exercise for. An example would be if for dinner you eat pasta and vegetables, then write down one helping of pasta and vegetables. You might be able to catch unhealthy habits you didn’t notice before.

Tip #4: Take time off. If you’re struggling to get the results you want, then take a week or two off to recover and rest up. This will help you become more energized and motivated to get back at it.

Everyone has a certain niche when talking about exercise and health. Some people love to run and that’s the only way they exercise while others will only have a bowl of cereal for breakfast and nothing else. Healthy habits are good to build, but changing up your daily routine will not only help your physical attributes, but it will keep you mentally energized as well.

There is nothing better than seeing results. Try not to get caught up in the number of pounds, and try caring of appearance only. Yes, the pounds are a great and easy way to track results, but remember that muscle weighs more than fat! You may not be losing weight, but you could be burning fat and you just don’t realize it. Pick a goal, tell people about it, and then accomplish it.

Thank you for reading and make sure to check the “About the Author” page for contact information. Please contact me with any advice on future articles as well as questions on prior ones!

-Michael Roulic

7 Workout/Health Myths…Busted!

People make many false assumptions when it comes to working out and keeping up their physical health. Here is the truth about the best ways to stay healthy

1. Myth: Cardio is the best fat burner

Cardio is not the best way to exercise when it comes to burning fat. In reality cardio only burns calories and in most cases, the heart doesn’t exceed a rate in which fat can be burned. Weight training is the best way to burn the most fat overall because fat continues to shred even after the workout is over. Circuit training is specifically a great way to burn fat by keeping the heart rate high and oxygen consumption maximized, resulting in the number of calories a person would burn throughout the day. Circuit training consists of choosing a set of exercises that would benefit the entire body, performing all of them in a row, rest, and repeat.

2. Myth: Diet drinks are healthier

In reality, diet soda is worse for you than regular soda. Why is this no calorie, sugar-free drink worse for your body? Well, it’s because your body doesn’t recognize the substances consumed and therefore it causes your digestive tract to dysfunction and be stored as fat instead of properly digested. Lesson is, if you must have a sugary drink; don’t try to cheat your way around it. Stick to the real thing!

3. Myth: The longer the workout, the better results

This is a common misconception among many people and gym rats. The best workout last between 30-45 minutes when not only is your body functioning at its best, but the mind is as well. The fact of the matter is that the body starts burning fat and calories as soon as you begin to exercise. Therefore, any exercise is better than no exercise! Furthermore, overworking your body can cause the depletion of muscle as well as causing the mind to not want to go through that kind of workout again. Make your workouts quick, but productive. Don’t waste time on your phone or talking to people, and you can complete the perfect workout in just 30 minutes!

4. Myth: You need a gym membership to get results

This is a completely false statement.  In fact, lifting body weight can be healthier in a lot of cases because it doesn’t cause any joint pains and reduces the risk of straining the muscles. There are a variety of pushups, squats, lunges, ab exercises, and even more to do. Click the link to find exercises that do not involve equipment http://www.ivillage.com/30-minutes-sleek-physique-no-equipment-workout-you-can-do-anywhere/4-b-296954#296955. For beginners, it would actually benefit working out at home at first and get comfortable with certain forms while building strength. Then, you would have the option of heading to the gym with confidence.

5. Myth: Eggs are bad for your heart

Eggs have been known to have high cholesterol, but this doesn’t mean it raises blood cholesterol. What really raises the blood cholesterol are saturated fats and trans fats. Eggs contain 2 grams of saturated fat and no trans-fat. Eating one egg a day would be an ideal amount for the perfect diet.

6. Myth: You can lose ten pounds in two weeks

You can probably lose ten pounds in two weeks if you fast a majority of days, but you’ll feel terrible and you will gain it all back when you start eating normally again. The fact of the matter is, to lose one pound, you need to eliminate 3500 calories (equivalent to a pound of fat). In order to lose one pound each week, the body must cut 500 calories out every single day. These 500 calories can be cut out through dieting and exercise.

7. Myth: You need recovery supplements

The only thing your body needs after a good workout is nutrition. People often take protein powder and other supplements after a workout, but these can be costly. It’s unnecessary to buy them and in certain cases they can even harm your body!  After working out, it’s important to consume protein and twice as many grams of carbs to recover. A lot of supplements are unhealthy to take in the long run so make sure to research what you’re taking before you consume it. Nothing is wrong with taking protein powder, but not taking it won’t be the reason you don’t see results. Supplements are not needed to reach your goals!!!

Many people will develop their own opinions when it comes to working out and what’s best for you. The best advice I have is to look it up yourself and make your own judgment.

If you have any questions or feedback on my article please feel free to comment or contact me.  Also, if there is any topic you are interested in learning more about please do the same and I will address it in my next post. Stay tuned for more health and workout information to come!

-Michael Roulic