5 Daily Ways to Cut Fat and Lose Weight Without Exercising

Summer is coming to an end, school is right around the corner, but why not improve on the summer body you worked so hard to get all winter and spring? Here are 5 easy ways to improve on the body without even exercising:

1. No soda, no problems

48 percent of Americans drink 2.6 glasses of soda a day. Now think about how many times you drank a soda, iced tea, or lemonade within just the past week. A bottle of coke will have 240 calories. One apple and one serving container of Chobani yogurt has 210 calories. With 14 grams of protein and enough natural sugar carbs from the apple, this is enough nutrition to be a meal for the average person. So next time, think twice before taking a sweetened drink out of the fridge or ordering one at the restaurant.

2. Just wait

You’re starving after a long day of being active. Coming home to a fully cooked meal means lots of eating. However, while inhaling the food, wait a little bit before getting up to get seconds. It takes 15 minutes for your body to process the food it has consumed, therefore you could be full and you just don’t know it. You’ll save yourself the extra unwanted calories and the food coma afterwards.

3. Water please

The body often tends to confuse hunger with thirst. Try drinking a glass of water before every time you eat. This may help you lessen your portioning sizes while also receiving the benefits of staying hydrated.

4. If you can read it, you can eat it

If the food ingredients label is understandable and easy to read, it means there isn’t an overdose of preservatives and chemicals. Stick to foods that are fresh and aren’t filled with preservatives. This doesn’t mean it has to be organic, but it would be healthier to order out a pizza rather than feed on store-bought cookies and chips.

5. Boost the metabolism, eat breakfast

Why is breakfast the most important meal of the day? Well, it kick starts the metabolism. Without breakfast your metabolism would slow down dramatically, increasing the time of digestion and result in food being stored as fat. Also, people who don’t eat breakfast are likely to eat more calories throughout the day than they normally would if they did eat breakfast. The result being, eat breakfast to keep the body functioning and digesting food.

These are everyday activities that can help you reach your goal of losing weight and cutting body fat. Keep in mind that living a healthy life is not only for keeping a good appearance, but also to stay alert and feel better. Stay posted for more articles to come.

-Michael Roulic

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